Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jean From The Netherlands With Probably THE Most Succinct Comment of The Day

The Daily Mail Online had a nice little article about former President Bill Clinton heading to North Korea to help free the two American journalists being held there. It's an entertaining read with an interesting take on what kind of harm the journalists were in and when.

Jean from the Netherlands has scored the highest marks so far for their comment on the situation and pretty much our entire current state of affairs:

One dillusional, sick old dictator; one lying, randy old ex-president; and two spoilt, dangerously naive young women. Representatives of today's human race, or a disgrace to it? Sadly, both.
- Jean, Netherlands, 09/8/2009 11:34

Congratulations Jean for striking a chord with many. Judging by all the positive ratings other readers have left to your comment, it would appear you are certainly not alone in your thinking.